Whatsapp Top5 Masala

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Friday, 15 February 2019

15 Feb

Whatsapp General Puzzles

Whatsapp General Puzzles  Whatsapp General Puzzles  You can use this Whatsapp Quiz to check the knowledge of your friends and have some fun with them. If they fail in answering then you can prove that you are brilliant and smarter than them. Guess What I am?I am a Five letters Word.People eat me.If...
15 Feb

Whatsapp Smiley Puzzle

Whatsapp Smiley Puzzle  Whatsapp Smiley Puzzle Guess the name of these Maharabharat Characters Answer  1. Sakuni 2. Duryodhaan 4. Arjun 5. Pando 6. Krishna/Dhritrashtra 7. Kuntea 8. Gundhari 9. Dropethe 10. Karn 11. Aswathama 12. Abhimanyu 13. Bheem 14. Nakul 15. Yudhiste...
15 Feb

whatsapp smiley puzzle

Guess Vegetables Name (HINDI) : WhatsApp Puzzle Answers:  Hindi Vegetables in WhatsApp Emoticons Puzzle 1. Baingan2. Lauki/Loki3. Gobi4. Sarso5. Gajjar6. Tendli7. Palak8. Kerela9. Patta Gobi10. Matar11. tamatar12. Kakd...
15 Feb

WhatsApp smiley Puzzle

Whatsapp smiley Puzzle   WhatsApp  smiley Puzzle Guess These 10 Hindi Songs – WhatsApp Puzzle Answers: Ye teri aankhein jhuki jhuki, Ye tera chehra khila khila Hum tum Ek kamre me band ho, aur chabi kho jaye Chandni, Tu meri chandni Chand taare phool aur kaliyan, tumse achcha kaun hai? Dil...