Whatsapp Top5 Masala

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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Whatsapp sad status

Sad Whatsapp Status

Sad Whatsapp Status for Whatsapp.Today I am sharing With you the Top Heart Touching Sad Status with You.This is the status you can use it your Sad time.This status contain a Sad Love Whatsapp Status Failure Sad Status etc.This Sad status show the sad felling of you.All the people want to share their feeling on whatsapp. So that by they can update very sad status on whatsapp, Love status etc.These whatsapp status sad are selected by our team member. So the Popular sad Whatsapp status collection is given below.I hope you like this sad status for whatsapp.

Whatsapp sad status in English

  • I smile not for that I am happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness.
  • I close my eyes and dream of a time when I wasn’t all alone.
  • It’s funny how the person who hurts you is the one who swore they never would.
  • I hate it when crying is the only way to feel better.
  • Sometimes it’s better to be Alone…Nobody can hurt you.
  • Ignore me. I don’t care. I’m used to it anyways. I’m invisible.
  • Just because I let you go, doesn’t mean I wanted to.
  • There’s nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.
  • It hurts, but its ok… I’m used to it.
Whatsapp sad status in Hindi

” कभी तो हिसाब करो हमारा भी 😏, इतनी मोहब्बत भला कौन देता है उधार में. 💔 

” बहुत रोएगी 😢 जिस Dìñ ☝ मै 😘 YååD आऊँगा 🙇.!!♡ और बोलेगी 👧 Ek पागल 😘 Thä,, जो Págàl 😎 था सिर्फ MéRè 👧 लिये ” !! 💙😘

🌹 घड़ी डिटर्जेंट से भी जयादा ख़राब हो गयी है 😏 , ज़िन्दगी.. लोग इस्तेमाल तो करते हैं, पर विश्वास नहीं करते.🌹

👉  हिसाब-किताब 📃 हम से न पूछ अब, ऐ-ज़िन्दगी… तूने सितम नही गिने, तो हम ने भी ज़ख्म 🤧 नही गिने… 👈

❥➠ मेरे 😌 बाद अगर ☜ किसी🚶को मुझ ➪ जैसा पाओ तो… मेरे 👱 बाद किसी के साथ ➣ मुझ 😔 जैसा मत ❌ करना…


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